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About Pub-Me Content Management System

This section includes important information about Pub-Me Content Management System. It brings a description of basic features, you can see screenshots of the administration interface, learn about available add-ins, and make sure that your server meets requirements needed for operation of Pub-Me CMS.

Who is Pub-Me designated for?

Obviously, it would be nice to say “for everyone”. But that would be just a part of the truth. Sure, it is possible to use it for a three-page website that will be updated once a year but in such a case it would be a way too heavy hammer for such a small nail and - to be completely honest - the price would be a little too high for what you would get.

If you just need to have your card on the internet, you will probably want to use a different offer. If you, however, want a website that is lively, communicates with its visitors, offers up-to-date and extensive content with visually attractive design, and is, at the same time, easy-to-use for administrators then Pub-Me CMS is the right choice for you.

A few words about the philosophy of Pub-Me CMS

There are a lot of content management systems - why do we think that Pub-Me Content Management System is any different? Let us say a few words about the philosophy it is based on.

Pub-Me Content Management System combines easy-to-use controls and functionality without compromises.

If you create a tool that should be universally usable in different situations, you face a dilemma - you can either create a mighty, highly sophisticated system which will be terrible to use, or you will get a user-friendly system, which will, however, be too simplified and one-purpose oriented.

Pub-Me Content Management System is trying to merge two seemingly incompatible features - easy-to-use interface without limits for functionality.

The solution used by this content management system leaves most settings for the author of the website. He or she presets templates which make administrator's life much easier - thus you can pay full attention just to interesting content - technology does not have to concern you.

This website should help you decide whether this task has been acomplished. We hope your verdict will be: “Thumbs up!”.

Online demoversion

Try the administration before you make any order.

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Admin screenshots

Admin screenshots


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